Perfect Tune Auto Repair and the Maintenance Mindset
February 28, 2021
When it comes to their vehicles, some Brighton residents don't have a maintenance mindset. They know they need to take care of their cars, but it just seems really hard to get them to remember to do it. Brighton drivers generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance but ju... More

No Yolk! Rotten Egg Smell (Sulfur Smell Causes)
February 21, 2021
The pungent smell of rotten eggs can send people running for the hills. So when that odor is inside your vehicle, yikes! Yolks! The good news is that a trained service technician can search the source of that smell and stanch the stench that comes from another words that begins with S. Sulfur... More

Free Money (Almost) (Fuel Saving Tips)
February 14, 2021
You spend a lot of money on a vehicle, probably the most money you'll spend on anything except a house. But the spending doesn't stop after you've bought it. It goes into things like insurance, repairs and fuel. One good piece of news is that you can cut down the amount you spend on fuel if yo... More

Higher Mileage Service Intervals for Brighton
February 7, 2021
Brighton drivers have probably noticed that the government mandates a lot of equipment on cars: emission devices and control computers, safety equipment like airbags and crash worthiness requirements. All of this is great for the motoring public in the Brighton area, but it does add quite a bit t... More